Outside of personal projects and school assignments I also join independent projects as well.
Lonely Star
This animation was made for Bradley University's 12 to 12, a 24 hour animation competition. I worked on a team with four other people to produce this animation. The theme for this competition was warmth. For this project I made concept art, designed the characters, animated a few scenes (my proudest being the shooting star scene), and performed polishing on many other scenes to make sure the characters stayed on model.
Furby Tarot Cards
This project is currently paused, though based on recent discussion may resume soon. For this project, multiple artists, including myself, make our own Furby inspired versions of tarot cards. Currently my contribution are the Two of Wands, the Seven of Cups, the Hierophant, the King of Pentacles, and the Queen of Swords. I'm currently working on the Nine of Wands. Should we complete the whole deck the group may proceed with printing the decks. It has been tons of fun working with and getting feedback from a diverse group of artists.
Pearlwood is a role playing game in development that I made art for. I made illustrations for the game for promotion and for future use in a rule book. Pearlwood is set in a forest contested between multiple factions separated by animal species. The illustrations in the top row are emblems for three of the factions: the Moles, the Owls, and the Foxes. I focused on capturing the values of that specific faction for the symbols used.  The bottom row has example members of the Mole and Fox faction.
Pearlwood's development is on indefinite hiatus and I don't know if its maker will ever continue.